Bryan Wynter

Jonathan Clark Fine Art manages the estate of Bryan Wynter, please contact the gallery for more information on available stock


Bryan Wynter [1915-75] is one of the better known of the St.Ives group of painters. He studied at the Slade School of Art and held his first one-man exhibition at the Redfern Gallery [London]. His later shows at the Waddington Gallery [London] firmly established  his reputation. A major retrospective exhibition was held in 1976 at the Hayward Gallery [London], Another retrospective show was held at the Tate Gallery [St.Ives] in 2001. Books on Bryan Wynter include a recently published monograph by Chris Stephens. Many public collections contain his work including the Tate Gallery [London].

Bryan Wynter
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Bryan Wynter - 1915-1975


His style moved from a neo-romantic and landscape based art to abstract painting after 1956
1915  Born in London, 8 September
1938-40  Studied Slade School of Fine Art, London
1945  Settled in Zennor, Cornwall. Co-founder of the Crypt Group, St. Ives
1951-56  Taught at Bath Academy of Art
1956  Moved from small-scale figurative paintings to large abstract paintings
1960  Began making constructions which he titled IMOOS (Images Moving Out Onto Space). Using a parabolic mirror, he would hang contrasting pairs of painted shapes, which rotated freely. Their reversed reflections enlarged, appearing to move in opposite directions.
1975  Died at Penzance, Cornwall, 11 February

1982  Penwith Galleries Bryan Wynter: A Selection of Work from 1951 to 1975 St. Ives
2000  Chris Stevens, Bryan Wynter , Tate Gallery Publishing, London

Selected Solo Exhibitions
1947  First solo exhibition at the Redfern Gallery, London, where he exhibited regularly until 1957
1959  Waddington Galleries, London
1962  Waddington Galleries, London and the Galerie Charles Lienhard, Zurich
1963  Arnolfini Gallery, Bristol
1966  The Arts Council Gallery, Belfast and at the Waddington Galleries, London
1969  Sherlock Gallery, Tor Point, East Cornwall
1971  University of Exeter Exhibition Hall
1974  Waddington Galleries, London
1976  Memorial exhibition at the Hayward Gallery, London
1981-82  New Art Centre, London
1987  Gillian Jason Gallery, London

In the collections of Arts Council of Great Britain; British Council, London; Contemporary Art Society, London; Tate Gallery, London; Victoria and Albert Museum, London Museum of Modern Art, New York;